Wednesday: Bamburgh Castle and Amble!
It proper pissed down on Tuesday night and was raining all day Wedsnesday so couldn't even have a brew in the morning! Gutted! Had a drive up to Bamburgh to see the castle and had a good walk around that in the belting down rain which was really cool actually! I didn't take me digital camera because of the rain but took me other manual one so if i get a chance I'll scan them photos in when they're developed! We had a good laugh wandering around and then finding Amble was even funnier! It's a nice little town so had some lunch in this well cool small cafe, which was dirt cheap! We then wandered around to kill sometime and went to the co-op to pick up some essentials for tea and get some magazines. When we got back on site it was still raining so we just read our magazines and nattered in Helen's tent. We managed to make some tea, noodles with sausage rolls and had a brew as the rain stopped for a bit. I had a shower and had me pyjamas on when we got nattering when I mentioned we coulda gone to the pub. Helen agreed so 10 minutes later I was dressed and we wandered down to the local pub, the Craster Arms! It was well posh but pretty cheap so we were impressed! Felt a bit out of place but a few WKD blue's and a bottle of wine later we didn't care! there was a thunder storm going on when we left so we staggered drunkenly back to the site while getting soaking wet! I also held a frog for the first time! I kept slipping over so thanks to Helen for holding me up! Lol! Because of the storm we just crashed in the same tent and got to sleep around half 4ish! There is nothing better than drunken ramblings! lol!
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