Sunday, August 13, 2006

Party at Dannys house!

my sexy new tattoo!
Clo, Caz and me! Party on!
Matt and Caz!
Danny-the host with the most!

Woo! On Thursday I spent the afternoon with Adam which was ace, I love him to bits! Bless him and he came with me as I got another tattoo! A star on the inside of me right wrist! On Friday after another busy day at work I went home as it was the day of Dannys party! Clo and Daryl were coming round and we were all gonna go round together! First I got a big cuddle off Anne-marie and Steven as they are down for the week! Yey! Got to Dannys around half 7ish and quickly decided to get drunk as most of his friends are ace but some are just plain scary! lol! Me and clo downed beers, cider and vodka and lilt to get us drunk and we had a little heart to heart later which was cool! Big it up to everyone who was there who we knew, me, clo, danny (obviously!) claire, kelli, matthew, daryl, caz, vermin, andy, james, lee wardell, and anyone who i may have forgotten! Sorry! lol! Felt a bit rough the next day but had a kool night so can't complain!


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