Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Waaaaaaaaaaay too drunk!

Dirty Tongues!
Girlie Grins
Chloe, Caz and Caz's mate!
On Thursday night I'd arranged to go for a drink with Chloe and Chris. Caz and her mate came too and what was going to be just a few catch up bevvys with the last bus home turned into a massive piss-up! I aint been that drunk for ages! It was ace! Went to the punchbowl, nags head, Rumours, nexus and BPM. Had a wicked night but I must say sorry for me drunken messages! lol! Funniest moment was when I decided to dance outside of the take-away, being pissed I fell over and smacked me head off the wall! I was still drunk the next day at work, it was too funny! On Saturday night Helen came round to mine and I cooked us tea of pasta which Helen had to help me cook because I'm rubbish! It was lovely though! We then watched part of Love Actually before I drove her home. Had a right laugh with her as per usual!


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