Monday, September 25, 2006

Last week at home!

Me last week or 2 in York went by soooooooooo quickly and I had loads going on! For the life of me can't remember everything so will just say a massive thankyou to everyone at work for the cards and vouchers and all the ngood luck messages Ive had! I promise I will keep in touch and update this as often as possible. A big thanks to me mam and dad for all their help with me starting University and to all me friends, buddies and crew, cheers for all the wicked nights out! A hilerious night was the week Helen crashed at mine. We got pissed on champaigne and beer and Helen never shut up talking once! It was too funny! And then she decided we had to go for a random walk, in the dark without shoes on! She crashed out on the floor so we went to bed around 11ish although I couldn't sleep. Drove to Sunderland the next day to check out me uni, which is kool and got stuck in loadsa traffic coming back! Grrrrrrrrr! On Friday it was mine and Adams leaving do which was dead nice because everyone was there but I took ill so had to gohome early! Gutted! Pat had taken us out to pizza hut the night before so I'l blame her! Lol! Me last weekend at work was gutting and I cried a bit but I'll be fine! Let you know the rest of me last week at home once I can be arsed and just in case wondering, I'm FOOKING LOVING UNI LIFE!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Waaaaaaaaaaay too drunk!

Dirty Tongues!
Girlie Grins
Chloe, Caz and Caz's mate!
On Thursday night I'd arranged to go for a drink with Chloe and Chris. Caz and her mate came too and what was going to be just a few catch up bevvys with the last bus home turned into a massive piss-up! I aint been that drunk for ages! It was ace! Went to the punchbowl, nags head, Rumours, nexus and BPM. Had a wicked night but I must say sorry for me drunken messages! lol! Funniest moment was when I decided to dance outside of the take-away, being pissed I fell over and smacked me head off the wall! I was still drunk the next day at work, it was too funny! On Saturday night Helen came round to mine and I cooked us tea of pasta which Helen had to help me cook because I'm rubbish! It was lovely though! We then watched part of Love Actually before I drove her home. Had a right laugh with her as per usual!

After Camping!

Got back from Camping around half 3ish after getting stuck on the A1 for like an hour! Turned me engine off! There had been an accident or something! Took Helen to hers and unloaded the car and had a coffee beofre getting home around 6ish. Back at work Saturday, Sunday and Monday which was fun! lol! Had a good laugh where possible and went out Saturday night although me camera battery died so no pics from there I'm afraid! T'was a good night though although I wan't feeling too great. Me and Helen left around 10ish for our buses. On Tuesday me and Helen went to Monks Cross for something to do and then just dossed around mine. I'm going to miss days like that! Did the same thing on Wednesday and then met Adam and went to the pictures to see 'You, me and dupree'. T'was a good film but it lasted far too long and we got a bit bored which was funny! Got in hysterics when Helen mentioned her mam falling off a skateboard!

Thursday: Berwick-upon-tweed

Having a laugh whilst pissed and thinking taking photos in the mirror would work!
Me and Helen. Bless us!
Guess who's all shy?
Helen after a bottle of wine!
Our gigantic meals!
Cheeky mare lounging around in me car!

Thursday was a lovely day weatherwise so we decided to go to Berwick! We were planning on having a lie-in after not getting much sleep but tis impossible to lie in when there's kids running around screaming and your tent is lit up by bright sunshine! Anyway we got up and had ginger nuts dunked in coffee for breakfast! Mmmmmm lush! I think we set off for Berwick around 10ish and I had the hardest time finding somewhere to park which was hilerious! In the end we found somewhere and then had a wander around! First stop was New Look because both us realised our jeans were all wet and sandy so bought a new pair as we were going to the pub again to celebrate our final night on holiday. We then wandered by the river which was nice and then had lunch in a nice little cafe. We left after a couple of hours because Helen was feeling unwell, bless her. When we got back we just couldn't be arsed to do anything so just dossed around until teatime. Made ourselves a cup of coffee and then got dressed and headed to the pub around 7ish. We ordered salads for tea and I aren't joking, they were huuuuge! Managed to eat about half of it! Mine must've contained a whole cow and Helens was 10 tines of tuna! lol! After that we got a few drinks and Helen suggested we get wina again! Got drunk! lol! T'was ace and everyone must've though we were mad as we were laughing and joking around. Got back on site around 11ish (I think) and just crashed out in Helen's tent. Had a natter and must've fallen asleep not long after getting in. I woke up around 2ish needing a wee so scrambled out of the tent and went to the toilet block where a woman was locked in! I barged the door down with me shoulder (well I was drunk!) and saved her! Get me! I don't think Helen was too amused when I woke her up when I got back to tell her my story! Lol! Had such an ace day and night, probably the best one!

Wednesday: Bamburgh Castle and Amble!

It proper pissed down on Tuesday night and was raining all day Wedsnesday so couldn't even have a brew in the morning! Gutted! Had a drive up to Bamburgh to see the castle and had a good walk around that in the belting down rain which was really cool actually! I didn't take me digital camera because of the rain but took me other manual one so if i get a chance I'll scan them photos in when they're developed! We had a good laugh wandering around and then finding Amble was even funnier! It's a nice little town so had some lunch in this well cool small cafe, which was dirt cheap! We then wandered around to kill sometime and went to the co-op to pick up some essentials for tea and get some magazines. When we got back on site it was still raining so we just read our magazines and nattered in Helen's tent. We managed to make some tea, noodles with sausage rolls and had a brew as the rain stopped for a bit. I had a shower and had me pyjamas on when we got nattering when I mentioned we coulda gone to the pub. Helen agreed so 10 minutes later I was dressed and we wandered down to the local pub, the Craster Arms! It was well posh but pretty cheap so we were impressed! Felt a bit out of place but a few WKD blue's and a bottle of wine later we didn't care! there was a thunder storm going on when we left so we staggered drunkenly back to the site while getting soaking wet! I also held a frog for the first time! I kept slipping over so thanks to Helen for holding me up! Lol! Because of the storm we just crashed in the same tent and got to sleep around half 4ish! There is nothing better than drunken ramblings! lol!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Tuesday: Seahouses and Holy Island!

The Priory on Holy Island
Me on Holy Island ignoring signs, just to pose!
Helen looking out to sea!
Seagulls in Seahouses!
The Harbour at Seahouses.

Sorry it's taken ages to update! On our second day of camping we got up pretty early and had a coffee before setting off for seahouses around 11ish. The plan was to go on a boat-trip out to The Holy Island. We paid for our tickets but that didn't depart til half 1 so had a couple of hours to kill. Had a wander around and a good laugh as per usual! The little shops were sooo funny! Bought some chips around 12ish which were minging, even the pigeons wouldn't touch 'em! We got a few funny looks off people as we were acting our mad usual selves on some benches! When we got on the boat it was freezing and me being a twat wasn't wearing a jacket! Ah well! It was ace seeing seals and animals and that and I managed to get a few pics although the quality is poor! Holy Island was lovely and we had a great time exploring it! Wouldve been nice to have had more than just a couple of hours but never mind! Got back to Seahouses around 6ish and did a bit of shopping before driving back to site. Had some tea and then just nattered again! It was just hilerious when Helen got attacked by 2 daddy long legs. Luckily I was there to save her! Lol! Another wicked day!