Ranom Thought???
If a slice toast always lands butter side down, and a cat always lands on it's feet, what would happen if you tied a slice of toast to a cat and dropped it from a window?
If a slice toast always lands butter side down, and a cat always lands on it's feet, what would happen if you tied a slice of toast to a cat and dropped it from a window?
I today realised that I was the most stupid person I have ever met. The first reason I give is Danny farting on my head and me not moving away instantly. The second (and probably main reason) is what occured during our Professional Brief lesson at 2 o clock. I was a bit bored and so decided to make my own amusement by throwing my Pepsi bottle up and catching it. I proceeded however, to hit myself in the face with it, causing a nice little purple bump to form! The whole class pissed themselves and have strated calling me bottle-nosed dolphin! If anyone can beat that for stupidity, you really should be locked up! :-)
'Quote of the day:' "Somebody has scribbled all over my book, please" Me proving I am rubbish at making sense after Richard told us to write notes in our books!
Hola peeps! Had a really cool Monday so can't complain. Was at college at 10 so got a bit of a lie in after the excitements of work this weekend. Had a good giggle in Sarah's lesson even though we had to get relocated so Moving Image could do some 'filming'. Honestly it's like being at a cattle market 'Move along now!'. Anyways we wandered into the downstairs media room whilst we discussed how far along we are regards to work (or behind in some people's case. Cough!) I swear I'm going death because kept having to ask sarah to repeat what she was saying much to veryone else's amusement. Oh well. She let us go early on the premise we do some more work. Canteen then yeah? Obviously we were going to do work but somehow got distracted by the canteen and a bacon butty and a coffee magically appeared in me hands! Bumped into Helen and had a natter and a hug off her which is always nice. Bless. Chloe met us for Rich's lesson and we managed to persuade him that he didn't want our work in til tomorrow. I don't think he believed us but he let on he did so had an extra day! Phew!
I would like to say a BIG happy birthday to:
Just a quick post to say Get well soon to my Daddy who has done in his back in. Awwww you'll be back to normal soon enough! xxxx
Evening! Today's post will be a tad boring and plain because nothing much has happened today bar college. It was absolutley hysterically funny though because we were all in a giddy mood. I won't embarrass anyone by naming names but the following will amuse those in the know:
-Arse's hanging out of jeans!
-A man in Nexus sticking his finger down the back of someones trousers! :-s
-Falling over in KFC
-Hairy Nipples!
-The return of the ice-age
-And 'erm, erm, erm, erm, erm!
'Song of the day:' Munich by the editors because tis fab and I just got the album today! Buy it!
Hola people! been busy as usual but got loads of gossip to write about! Think it's been a whole week since I updated so heres the gossip since then.
'Song of the day:' 'Be mine' by David Gray because I'd completely forgotten about this song until it played on Q radio the other day. Will be downloading that in a bit!
As usual, I have been at work from Friday to Sunday so that is why I've not posted! (just in case you're wondering, the pic shows my work buddies Jane and Lynne, and ex-work buddy Cecelia at the x-mas party!). Had a wicked weekend though, life is great at the minute! yey! First things first, after work on friday I got a text off Chris asking if i were going up t'club as Chloe was at work. I was so he joined us for a few pints and bingo. Well I won the flyer! Oh yeah! £rd week running that I've won at bingo, but my first big win. £120 in me back pocket. Well, after getting a round in (Eeeh the customary bingo tradition of getting a round when you win!) and giving Chris his half I was left with £55. Not bad eh? Was buzzing all day sat at work and a right good laugh with the usual suspects. It was pretty busy for a couple of hours and then went well dead! Got a bit bored but hey ho!
Went to the club again sat night seeing as I'd won the night before but didn't even win 2 quid on t'back o' books. GUTTED! Still it were a titter because Paula, Chloe and Chris were there too!
Again I was at work Sunday and it was soooooooo dead. We had to do cleaning even though everything has been cleaned loads before. Had a good laugh though! Lunch was funny with Kerry and Janette as we kept ripping the piss. Love it! Just a big shout out to everyone at work on Sun who gave me cuddles and made me smilaagain when I was a tad down! WOO YOU!!!!
'Quote of the day:' 'Everyone likes a drink, nobody likes a drunk!' Me dads opinion on the nations view of piss-heads. Love it!!!!
Been at college all day so that's my major news for today! Ha ha! t'was a titter though so can't complain. Started off with Richard's lesson at 10 where we just carried on doing an assignment. We kept digressing though and having random discussions so that was fun. Next up we all had a wander to the mac room where we had sarah for the FMP lesson. Just carried on doing our adverts for the magazine, mine is for a bar wall pub crawl! Woo hoo!!! Imagine if one really existed?? We all went to the pub for lunch which was nice, I only had 1 pint and salad because I'm eating healthily now! Yup, and then for lent which starts on Feb. 28th until april 16th I am giving up alcohol! Yes that's right, I am giving up drinking for 40 days and 40 nights! Arrrrgghhh!!!
'Song of the day:' 'Comfortably numb' by Scissor Sisters because tis fab!
Howdy Mushers! Went to the pics last night with Adam and Michael to see king kong. Now I was a tad apprehensive because the film is 3 and half hours long and I'd heard it was a bit shit but it were great so yey! Good choice Ads! I did need to go for a wee twice during the film and again after it finished so I would advise people NOT to buy them big wheelbarrow size bottles of pop they sell at the pics! ha ha! go see it if you can, jack Black is very cute and I want a King Kong!
'Song of the day:' Well I have to say 'Poison' by Alice Cooper because every bar we went last night played it! "You're poison..........woah, poison"
Phew! A chance to rest today! Lol! Since going to back to college I've hardly had a chance to sleep let alone get on the PC but I've got this weekend off work so while I'm doing nothing (i.e recovering from last nights piss up!) I thought I'd post on here!
'Quote of the day:' "erm yes, well uni is for like getting drunk at" John at college stating the bleedin' obvious! I thought you went there to study and do nothing more!
Gutted!! After only half an hour xmas break (well, it feels like it!), we were back at college today! First lesson with sarah in the mac rooms consisted of us playing around with designs for our creative show posters. Quite cool actually! After this lesson we all went to the pub for a pint and some fodder. Bloody fosters was off so had to pay £2.15 for a pint of carling! Shittest lager ever! never mind! For Richards lesson this afternoon none of us could be arsed to work so we had a quiz, girls v.s boys and woo hoo, we won!!! Lol! A shame really because the boys tried hard in coming up with three early punk songs-we all love the punk classic by The Pgues "Fairytale of new york!". Ha ha! LOSERS!
'Song of the day:' Oooo I'm gonna have to say James Blunt 'You're beautiful' because t'was one of the biggest selling songs of 2005!
'Allo all! I have just got back from the pub so if this doesn't make sense then i apologise! Been at work since half 7 this morning (V. busy! grrrr!) so feel a bevvy is the least I deserve! At least get double pay for today with it being a bank holiday! Woo hoo! I had atext off of Chloe asking if I fancied going for a drink after work so thought yeah why not?? Lol! Matt was gonna come with us but he was tired (well not hardcore! the cream! The cream!) so wound up being me, clo and chris! had a couple of pints in weatherspoons and then wandered to the new bestest cheapest cocktail bar ever, Montey's rock cafe (formaly the shithole that was The Micklegate!). two cocktails for £3.75 so i had 2 black russains and the two sloe, comfortable screws! ooof a lot of alcohol but good fun! Back at college tomorrow so gutted but hey ho! Going out thurs to mon coz got weekend off work! WOO ME!