Monday, January 30, 2006

Round the bend!

Hola peeps! Had a really cool Monday so can't complain. Was at college at 10 so got a bit of a lie in after the excitements of work this weekend. Had a good giggle in Sarah's lesson even though we had to get relocated so Moving Image could do some 'filming'. Honestly it's like being at a cattle market 'Move along now!'. Anyways we wandered into the downstairs media room whilst we discussed how far along we are regards to work (or behind in some people's case. Cough!) I swear I'm going death because kept having to ask sarah to repeat what she was saying much to veryone else's amusement. Oh well. She let us go early on the premise we do some more work. Canteen then yeah? Obviously we were going to do work but somehow got distracted by the canteen and a bacon butty and a coffee magically appeared in me hands! Bumped into Helen and had a natter and a hug off her which is always nice. Bless. Chloe met us for Rich's lesson and we managed to persuade him that he didn't want our work in til tomorrow. I don't think he believed us but he let on he did so had an extra day! Phew!
After the hilarity off that lesson, I wandered home because I had me 1st driving lesson for over a year! Ooooo excitement! mam and Dad drove past me when I was coming home from college so got a lift off of them. Lucky eh? Driving lesson lasted 2 hours and went really well. drove all through town, up acomb, near to the test centre and all round Huntington. Also did a turn in the road which I was v. proud of! I'll pass me test in no time. Me instructor seems like a canny bloke so glad about that. I don't want no perv! After I got back I did all me work for college due in tommorrow so WOO ME! ha ha ha!


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