Sunday, February 04, 2007

Mnor Quay hijinx!

Hazel, me and hank!

Me and Mike! Yorkshire kids together!

Hazel: Queen on her throne!

Adam and matt enjoying themselves!

Me and Hazel! Love her to bits!

On Wednesday went into town with Creegan,hazel, jack and luke and bought some new jeans! Wooo from next too, hark at me! Went out wednesday night with Hazel, Adam and the two matts! I wore me sexy new jeans, boots, a slutty top, I looked good! lol! Got hammered! Went to 'spoons, barogue, glass spider and then MQ. Had more drink in there and saw loadsa crww including mike, laura, ellen and hank! She was mortal and dressed in a mechanics suit and had a beard drawn on! Lol! Had a dirty dance with her to Love Machine! Literally got dragged onto the dancefloor! Got home around 3ish and had a bacon buttie and a heart to heart with hazel. Went into me room about half 3 and fell asleep, fully clothed. Woke up at 20 to 5 by me phone ringing, Hank yhad left her keys somewhere and needed buzzing in. She just crashed in with me, was shattered! All in all a wicked night!


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