Resolutions, regrets and ready for action!
Although I'm sad to see the back of 2006, I'm being optimistic and believe 2007 will be an even better year! I'm happily settled in Sunderland at uni and I'm getting decent grades, I have the best sets of friends ever, be it my uni crew, work crew and general good old York crew, I have a lovely boyfriend, my family are great and thus far I am healthy (although a little poor but I get paid tomorrow and loan comes through on Monday!) I have a few resolutions for the year ahead too:-
In 2007 I resolve:
-To swear less: It sounds common, can be offensive and at times isn't nessasary. I may get a swear box!
-To visit the gym more: Although I went a bit towards the end of last year, I have to decided to go at least twice a week, more where possible!
-To calm down when at uni: Just settle down a bit more in lectures and practical sessions and not be distracted by Naomi or by my phone. Acting the class clown might have been ok whilst at school but I'm nearly 20 now and it just isn't cool!
-Try to do something new, different and fun everyday: Just to stop life being boring and repetative and also it gives me an excuse to act like a kid! It's the 3rd of January so here's my list so far:
Jan 1st: Missing new year as passed out drunk, suprisingly never done this before!
Jan 2nd: Nearly got hit by a bus! I'm not joking either! I was on my way to meet Helen in town when I was crossing the road (on a zebra crossing) when a coastliner bus (ironically the bus Helen was on!) didn't stop and careered towards me! I had to literally jump out if it's way! I'm not impressed!
Jan 3rd: Reversed the car onto the drive! I also got on with some Uni work which doesn't have to be in 'til later on this month! That's a first for me! :-)
Highlights of 2006:
-Passing my driving test: On the 28th June last year I passed my driving test at the first attempt! It allowed me so much freedom and to have the best summer ever! Bless my little red peugeot 205!
-Starting University: I enrolled at the university of Sunderland on the 18th September last year and haven't looked back! I love it, the freedom of living away from home, the late night chats, the drunken games, the lazy DVD days, the randomness of lectures, all the wonderful people I've met, the wonderful people I live with, and the fact that it has made me grow up a hell of a lot!
-Snogging Glyn: Sorry Dobes but it was before we were together! Getting up on stage whilst drunk in freshers week, faking an orgasm on stage and then getting to meet Glyn from big brother as a VIP and then getting a snog with photographic evidence! Legend in the making me! Aha!
-Camping: On the 21st August me and Helen went camping to Beadnell Bay, on the Northumbrian coast! It was the funniest and randomest and best holiday. From getting lost and winding up in Bulmer, to rescuing helen from daddy long legs and getting drunk on wine at the ONE pub, i've got a ton of memories to last me a lifetime so Helen i thankyou for that!
-The Summer: Because I had the car, this summer was eventful and full of fun! We went to scarborough,lotherton hall, had picnics, dossed around the museum gardens and og course had a few all-day drinking sessions!
-Chloe's Wedding: It was a lovely day as Clo married Chris and became Mrs. Shaw! I was bridesmaid and from 12 o clock the drinks were flowing and we were all rather merry! Loved it! All me college crew were there too! Wahey! The hen night a few weeks before was ace too!
-The Booze crew: In 2006 the BHS booze crew was formed with original memebers me, adam, Mikey, Helen and Faye. The muskateers ceceila and matt were part of the new set-up too! New members to recently join include Kelly, Chris and becky and on saturday night we are having a major blow-out with all the xmas tempts too including Roise, Pammy and kayleigh! The Booze Crew used to go out every saturday night after work and get mortal! I miss those days but never fear for we will have many more nights out in the year ahead!
-Completing College: Although tis always sad leaving something behind, I'm proud that I completed my BTEC National Diploma in Media Publishing with a distinction, distinction, merit. I love my college crew to pieces and miss them loads but I'm glad the majority still figure greatly in my life, Caz, Elise, Clo, Daryl, Matt, Johhny-boy and of course Danielson!
-Meeting Stephen: Obviously getting with Mr. Stephen Dobie was a bonus of last year! Mwah!
I also have loads more great memories from the past year so take a look through the archives if you want to see for yourself! Just look how young the booze crew looked this time last year!
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