Gossip to go!
This is gonna be a very quick post because I'm at college and meant to be doing work although I am a lazy little so and so and doing anything but! As usaual went out Saturday night after work! This time went to The Willow for a meal first and then went to The Priory for a few. Had a good 'old natter and a laugh with Mikey and Adam and had a few pints, pitchers and shots! Bless 'em both for buying me a rose each! How loved am I? Lol! Poor Adam was a bit down and we wanted to make sure he is ok so next time anyone see's him give him a big hug and tell him he is a 'LEGEND!'. Helen is in sunny Spain so for obv. reasons couldn't join us although she sent me a text so she was there in spirit.................kind of! Was at work Sunday and it was a laugh although got really busy at one point! Jade kept making me laugh on hot-plate, she's madder than me! The day went quick and when I got home, me and me dad looked at insurance quotes because I've got my driving test on 28th June! Woo me! I best pass! Monday and today have been spent at college although yesterday we finished at 12 so went to Maccy ds and today we had a long break so went to the pub! I'm going out tonight for a meal to celebrate Chris's 60th birthday and then going into town! I intend to gte drunk and will have loadsa piccies to post! TTFN!!
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