Sunday, April 09, 2006

Wednesday Night Fun!

Katie and Chloe looking a bit drunk in Nexus!
Danny, Me and Clo! What's he looking at eh???
Look who I bumped into in Monties!
Gareth is 'DA MAN!'
Helen's college crew with the Monties staff!
Danny and Gareth enjoying the cocktails!
We had all planned on going out Wednesday for a big end of term night out but only me, danny and gareth could actually make it! Gutted! Met up with Chloe and her friend Katie later on and then Elise after she'd finished work at half 11! I was toooooooo drunk though bevause had wine and cocktails and shots and trebles and am no longer harcore! So me and danny got some food and then went home by half 12! Also bumped into Helen and her college crew in Monties which was kool! Big up to all the York alchis! Ha ha ha!


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