Long Time No Post!
Heya crew! Sorry for lack of posting recently but been busy with work, gettinga new car etc. Here's a quick update of whats been happening in the world of debs!
- Sold KEF to Adam and got a new car, a peugeot 306, 1.4, N reg! Tis lush!
- Moved into my sexy new house in Sunderland and spent 2 weeks cleaning, painting and tidying!
- Been relocated back to York due to a fire in BHS in Sunderland.
- Had a few catch ups and nights out althoug been skint so these are very few and far between! lol!
- And next week is LEEDS FESTIVAL! Woo hoo!
Until I update properly this will have to do you! Alternatively check out my myspace page www.myspace.com/debbiesw