A drunk me with Kev and his random mate!

Buy 1 get 2 free??? I'm there!

Hazel and Kev
On the sunday after reading week, me and hazel decided we would go out to the quiz! Well it was rubbish in waermouth with just the two of us so we decided to head into town and explore sunderlands bars. Well we weren't really dressed up so headed to the weatherspoons for a couple. Bear in mind we'd already downed a couple of doubles in wearmouth (hazel vodka, me jack daniels!). Had a couple more doubles in there and then stumbled upon a random bar, Modos, selling drinks at buy 1 get 2 free! Couldn't believe it! In we popped and prceeded to get mortal drunk. They were selling trebles for £2.50 and shots of flaming sambuca for 75p! I got hammered after taking advantage of all these offers! It closed at 11 so we headed back to weatherspoons for a bit where we bumped into that random Kev bloke who fancies us all! Had a drink with him and his mate and then got a taxi home! Proceeded to drink more alcohol when we got back and Creegan took a hilerious video which involves my drunken slef, dancing, spanking my bum and generally being daft! Apparently I fell asleep on Hanks bed and she had to physically boot me out, I also had my bed stolen by creegan and ham placed under my pillow and I woke up to find a potato on my door handle! All in all a good night although I was rough the next day, whiskey is a killer at times! Lol!